Posts in Doctors
Digital Health in APAC: An Overview (Keren Priyadarshini, Microsoft Asia)

Looking at digital health investments in the APAC region, according to Galen Growth Asia, in 2021 China took the highest amount of funding (58.6%) for digital health, followed by India (22.3%), Australia (5.6%), Soth Korea (4.3%), and Singapore (3.8%). Healthcare expenditure differs a lot among countries: According to the World Bank, China attributed 5,3% of its GDP to healthcare, India 3%, Australia 9.91 %, and Singapore 4%. How do these healthcare systems differ and does healthcare expenditure relate to investment in digitalization?

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How Do You Make Decisions in Healthcare? (Talya Miron-Shatz)

“Digital health experts know a lot about health, a lot about technology, but oftentimes they don't know a lot about the psychology of the users, the behavioral economics and ways in which you can motivate them," says Talya Miron- Shatz, PhD, an expert in medical decision making.

The psychology behind decision-making is crucial for companies to be able to present meaningful information to people, not just offer them data people can’t understand.

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F106 VRx: What has over 5000 studies taught us about the healing effect of VR? (Dr. Brennan Spiegel)

Virtual reality can have a literally healing effect. Over 5000 studies by today have shown the efficacy of VR for pain management, PTSD, eating disorders, mental health, even helping manage pain during childbirth. The FDA provided a special designation for virtual reality as a breakthrough device for managing pain.

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F 104 Digital health in Spain and what is a liquid hospital? (Cesar Morcillo Serra)

Sanitas is the leading Spanish health insurance and service provider and have been devoted exclusively to health care for more than 60 years. The Sanitas’ Cima hospital in Barcelona is an exemplar in digital innovation adoption.

Even before COVID, an innovation platform was established which seeks to promote entrepreneurship among employees. Another platform is in place, that aims to attract startup talent in areas such as prevention and genomics, liquid hospital, artificial intelligence, blockchain, data & analytics, and robotics.

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F093 How does a doctor become a VC? (Benedict Evans)

Despite enjoying clinical practice, Benedict Evans still came to a point where he felt he is not passionate enough about what he does, and as a surgeon, he realized he enjoys talking to patients more than treating them when they are under anesthesia. He went to a consulting position at McKinsey, then back to an NHS Trust to drive digital innovation and now to a VC position.

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F092 How can blockchain bring back autonomy to the physician-patient relationship? (Leah Houston, HPEC)

Leah Houston is an Emergency Physician who has been following blockchain development since 2012. When a hospital she used to work for stole her identity for fraud billing, she decided to design a blockchain-based solution that would prevent such abuses from happening to any doctor in the future.

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F086 TikTok 2/2: Interested in weird medical facts? (Karan Raj)

Karan Raj is a “veteran” in online education. He founded TheOSCEstation — an online medical education website with videos explaining different medical topics. Given his research interest in the development of medical education and his interest in the role of social media platforms in this mix, going to TikTok was a natural move for him. Following him, you can learn about embarrassing things he did as a doctor, weird things patients have said, and even more unusual topics such as — Can cheese give you nightmares?

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F084 Doctors in digital health 4/4: Mediquo: Whatsapp for healthcare (Guillem Serra)

Guillem Serra comes from a family of doctors and studied medicine himself, but saw that everyday routine doctors operate under is too repetitive for his taste. He decided against becoming a traditional doctor and created a platform connecting patients to doctors in a healthcare regulation-compliant way. MediQuo is a leading eHealth app in Spain and Latin America

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F081-084 Doctors in digital health series (Daniel Kraft, Michael Docktor, Owain Hughes, Guillem Serra)

Many doctors leave full-time medical practice to become entrepreneurs. Many of them do that to solve systemic issues plaguing healthcare. This series includes four doctors from the US, UK and Spain, Daniel Kraft, Michael Docktor, Owain Rhys Hughes and Guillem Serra explain their experiences with healthcare IT during their clinical practice, and their motivation to develop technological solutions for healthcare.

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F048 AI in healthcare Part 2/5: Radiology disrupted?

The idea that AI will replace radiologists comes from the fact that today’s AI models models are very good at pattern recognition. The interesting thing in radiology are the NLP models mining radiology reports,says Woojin Kim, Chief Medical Information Officer at Nuance, former Chief of Radiography Modality, Director of Center for Translational Imaging Informatics, Associate Director of Imaging Informatics, and Assistant Professor of Radiology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.

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F028 Anaesthesiology and the challenge of change management in hospitals (Chris Johnson…

During the planning of implementation requirements for the Perth Children’s Hospital, which took several years, Chris Johnson made sure to include in planning representatives of all the groups in the hospital, who would be affected most in the end — pharmacists, doctors and nurses.

In the end, around 40 people reviewed the implementation requirements and took part in meetings, where IT vendors were demoing their solutions.

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F018 Can Bolivia become the global digital health role model? (Shafi Ahmed)

Thanks to the invitation of Martin Dockweiler, President of Udabol University Bolivia, Shafi Ahmed will lead the new, latest technologies enhanced hospital in Bolivia. As he explains in the episode 18 of Faces of digital health podcast, the desire is to create a exemplary hospital, which would then be scaled to other locations as well.

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