Posts tagged Healthcare Technology
F117 How Music Beats Got a Breakthrough Device FDA Designation (Brian Harris, MedRythms)

Music can change our mood, energize us, make us feel invincible. It goes beyond that: it can heal. MedRythms is a digital therapeutics company that received a Breakthrough Device designation from the FDA for its patented digital therapeutic that treats chronic stroke walking deficits.

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F 113 Predictions about 2021 (and beyond) by digital health experts from the US, Israel, Mexico, Chile, UK, and South Korea

The future in digital health with some of the experts and opinion leaders from the digital health industry across the world. You can hear from experts from the US, Israel, Mexico, Chile, Spain, and South Korea. They shared their thoughts about the state and future of digital health globally.

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F111 The full circle in telemedicine - adding home delivery of medications and at-home diagnostics ( Sid Viswanathan, Truepill)

There are a number of players that are trying to disrupt the pharmacy market. Companies such as GoodRx, RxSaver and now Amazon Pharmacy are starting to bring pricing transparency in the field. The Amazon Prime prescription savings benefit can save members up to 80% off generic and 40% off brand name medications when paying without insurance. Truepill is offering healthcare players a fast way to digital transformation.

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F110 "Patient records on the blockchain are still a dream" (Robert Miller)

Among the projects he sees as most promising at the moment are blockchain project used for credentialing (for example read/listen more about HPEC here) of medical professionals, projects using blockchain to adjudicate business contracts between different parties, where adjudication normally happens in silos. There’s also project MELLODY (Machine learning ledger orchestration for drug discovery). This is a collaboration among 10 major pharma companies that are using a blockchain-based infrastructure and federated learning to speed drug development.

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F105 The state of healthcare digitalization in Australia (Louise Schaper, AIDH)

Australia has a national digital health strategy, which predicts that by 2022 the essential, foundational elements of health information that can be safely accessed, easily utilized, and shared. According to dr. Louise Schaper, CEO of Australasian Institute of Digital Health, there's been a lot of government commitment to invest in digital health.

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F 104 Digital health in Spain and what is a liquid hospital? (Cesar Morcillo Serra)

Sanitas is the leading Spanish health insurance and service provider and have been devoted exclusively to health care for more than 60 years. The Sanitas’ Cima hospital in Barcelona is an exemplar in digital innovation adoption.

Even before COVID, an innovation platform was established which seeks to promote entrepreneurship among employees. Another platform is in place, that aims to attract startup talent in areas such as prevention and genomics, liquid hospital, artificial intelligence, blockchain, data & analytics, and robotics.

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F093 How does a doctor become a VC? (Benedict Evans)

Despite enjoying clinical practice, Benedict Evans still came to a point where he felt he is not passionate enough about what he does, and as a surgeon, he realized he enjoys talking to patients more than treating them when they are under anesthesia. He went to a consulting position at McKinsey, then back to an NHS Trust to drive digital innovation and now to a VC position.

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F084 Doctors in digital health 4/4: Mediquo: Whatsapp for healthcare (Guillem Serra)

Guillem Serra comes from a family of doctors and studied medicine himself, but saw that everyday routine doctors operate under is too repetitive for his taste. He decided against becoming a traditional doctor and created a platform connecting patients to doctors in a healthcare regulation-compliant way. MediQuo is a leading eHealth app in Spain and Latin America

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