Posts tagged Healthcare It
F035 Estonia: To which extent does the digital infrastructure support healthcare? (Hannalore Taal)

Estonia has only 1,3 million people, but is famous worldwide for its digital governance. If you want, you can become an Estonian electronic resident and run your business from Estonia, regardless of your actual country of residence. Healthcare wise, 95% of healthcare data is in digital form, some of it supported with blockchain technology.

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F028 Anaesthesiology and the challenge of change management in hospitals (Chris Johnson…

During the planning of implementation requirements for the Perth Children’s Hospital, which took several years, Chris Johnson made sure to include in planning representatives of all the groups in the hospital, who would be affected most in the end — pharmacists, doctors and nurses.

In the end, around 40 people reviewed the implementation requirements and took part in meetings, where IT vendors were demoing their solutions.

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F019 Will robots eradicate medication management errors in hospitals? (Lea Dias)

Robotics have various applications in drug management: some hospitals already have fully automated pharmacies connected to electronic healthcare systems. Instead of doctors writing prescriptions on paper and pharmacists in the pharmacy manually preparing the required medicine, everything is executed automatically after the electronic order — from preparation to dispensing.

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