Posts tagged Health Data
F110 "Patient records on the blockchain are still a dream" (Robert Miller)

Among the projects he sees as most promising at the moment are blockchain project used for credentialing (for example read/listen more about HPEC here) of medical professionals, projects using blockchain to adjudicate business contracts between different parties, where adjudication normally happens in silos. There’s also project MELLODY (Machine learning ledger orchestration for drug discovery). This is a collaboration among 10 major pharma companies that are using a blockchain-based infrastructure and federated learning to speed drug development.

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F034 How are AI and wearables disrupting clinical trials? currently lists 302,091 clinical studies in the US. It is impossible for patients and their doctors to be aware of all clinical trials an individual might be eligible for. The data issues surrounding clinical trials don’t end there: how can we rely on results of trials when studies with negative results often go unpublished? Various companies are creating platforms and solutions to address these issues.

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